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Here to Serve You

Sheridan Gayer, founder


“Chronic pain needs its own dictionary!” Sheridan exclaimed to her pain management team. Inexplicability was just one part of the struggle she had with an acute injury turned chronic as a result of nerve damage, secondary injuries, and other complications. Four surgeries and numerous treatments later, Sheridan created Communities of Care Consulting in order to ensure that more people have access to strong support teams, extensive treatment options, and better systems of care.


Sheridan was the Assistant Director at the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies of Columbia University and holds an MA in Experiential Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary, as well as a BA in Modern Jewish Studies and a BA in English from Columbia University. Her liberal arts and pastoral care background influence her unique approach to improving health and wellbeing.

She has been quoted in the New York Times, the New York Post, amongst other publications and has lectured throughout North America, Israel, and the United Kingdom. Certified in Youth Mental Health First Aid, Sheridan also loves to write, cook, create community, and currently satisfies her spiritual yearnings by overseeing Soup Circle at Lab/Shul, and volunteering as a Mikveh guide and educator for ImmerseNYC, which transforms an ancient Jewish tradition using creative, progressive ritual.


About: Inner_about

Please Note:

This information should not be used as a substitute for necessary consultations with a qualified health care professional to meet your individual needs. Always consult a medically trained professional with questions and concerns you have regarding your medical condition.

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